
User Since: Ms.Simple entered this board. Mr.Simples: ...... Mr.Simples: BRUV Ms.Simple: now Ms.Simple: HUE Mr.Simples: I'm married monomutt: OH Ms.Simple: i think i need to be a mrs simple to be married Mr.Simples: Ms means u can be either married or not Ms.Simple: o Ms.Simple: ok Ms.Simple: WELL NOW WE ARE BOTH SIMPLE Mr.Simples: it's what ppl use when they don't know about the marital status Mr.Simples: WOOOO monomutt: WHOS THAT I SMELL -- OH NO, MR.SIMPLE'S OH SO AFFAIR WITH... Ms.Muscleman entered this board. Ms.Simple: ... shavedass: LOLOLOL Mr.Simples: OMG Ms.Muscleman: DARLING Ms.Simple: U SWINE shavedass: OMG Ms.Muscleman: LOLOLOL Ms.Simple SLAPS MR SIMLPE shavedass: u uncultured swine flu monomutt: IM CRYING Mr.Simples: I CAN EXPLAIN-- Mr.Simples: OW Ms.Muscleman: U ARE MARRIED?! shavedass: OH MY GOD Mr.Simples: i- Ms.Simple charge out of room Mr.Simples: i have you both in my heart Ms.Simple: LIES Ms.Muscleman: YES Ms.Muscleman: both of my boobs Mr.Simples: i think OF THE BOTH OF YOU BOTH DAY AND NIGHT Ms.Muscleman: yes, my left and right tit Mr.Simples: you could fit a lot of people in your boobs-- Ms.Simple: if you did you would tell me so we could be a threesome( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ms.Muscleman: come back when u want me for my heart Mr.Simples: yes lets threesome Ms.Muscleman signed out. Mr.Simples: -- Ms.Simple: you shoudve told me sooner Mr.Simples: OGOKLOOGLHMNJODSGLOLOLOLVBOL monomutt: this is more intense than some rps Mr.Simples: iM FUCKING FDYING Ms.Simple: ... Ms.Simple: WELL