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🪐 Timezone/Country: SGT, Singapore ⭐ Art Blog Link: ⭐ Interests: Unmanned Spacecraft | Solar System Exploration | Muti-Fandom ⭐ Introduction: Hello~ The name's Geroniny! I love unmanned space exploration, especially the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft (Mostly Cassini Spacecraft than Huygens Probe, FYI) a lot. I am excited about the collab between HelloPaint and ArtFight!

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🪐 Timezone/Country: SGT, Singapore ⭐ Art Blog Link: ⭐ Interests: Unmanned Spacecraft | Solar System Exploration | Muti-Fandom ⭐ Introduction: Hello~ The name's Geroniny! I love unmanned space exploration, especially the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft (Mostly Cassini Spacecraft than Huygens Probe, FYI) a lot. I am excited about the collab between HelloPaint and ArtFight!