An introvert girl who's been distant from her parents escapes to a magical dream adventure, where she meets a magical fish. To overcome many challenges, and return back to a healthy relationship in her life...before it's too late...
An alternate Spider-Man as a result of him trying to travel multiple dimensions all at one time. His mind eventually becomes corrupt and ends up becoming a huge threat to the Spider-verse. (Might be too op as a character, still trying to figure out his weaknesses)
An introvert girl who's been distant from her parents escapes to a magical dream adventure, where she meets a magical fish. To overcome many challenges, and return back to a healthy relationship in her life...before it's too late...
An alternate Spider-Man as a result of him trying to travel multiple dimensions all at one time. His mind eventually becomes corrupt and ends up becoming a huge threat to the Spider-verse. (Might be too op as a character, still trying to figure out his weaknesses)