🐍 He/Him
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A parallel to a creator, similar yet distinct enough. A star who been rumored to appear in each universe, a final breath towards inevitable darkness.
What a nihilistic end to an existence without reason but… maybe just living with eachother is enough. It will all end soon but at least we can comfort eachother, knowing the end.

Near the dark spire plateau lies a castle, not one for good, but one for the dark ruler. With dogs that swipes and snaps, leaving the more mellow to cower in fear, as the darkness grew near. Their only hope was for the knight and the princess to overthrow the dark ruler. But the princess disappeared and the knight had their eyes ripped out. The king wouldn’t allow such a death, using magic to bring back the eyeless individual, leaving them to suffer until the princess returns. THE PRINCESS WILL SET US FREE…….

Life is about viewing the world in a diffrent lense. It isn't always going to be bubbles and sunshine. It has its existential moments of grief and despair. Living with a mindset where you don't open up to diffrent perspectives will prevent you from discovering anything possibly life changing.
Keep pushing, never give up.